APR Coin Wallet Update


A wallet update for APR Coin will be released in the coming days. In accordance to standard practices with exchanges updating wallets, the APR Coin wallet will be put into maintenance mode on these platforms and deposits/withdrawals will be paused until the update is complete. Throughout the update process, it is highly recommended that you do not send/receive coins to ensure your balances remain safe. This update process will take a minimum of 14 days.

Once the new wallet version is released on GitHub, it is 100% mandatory that you use only this latest version. You will be able to safely transfer your balances from your old to your new wallet by using your wallet.dat file. Please be absolutely sure to save and back up your wallet.dat file for your current APR Coin wallet(s). For existing contests and giveaways, all winners will be recorded and the prizes will be distributed once the update is complete.

Thank you for your cooperation and continued support

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